Which RTL Control Box Is Right for My Project?

Two control boxes are available for the heating kits to control the temperature and for connection to the existing heating system. In both cases, the heating water temperature is controlled via a return temperature limiter [RTL]. The table provides a direct comparison of the respective range of functions.


  Multibox 4k-RTL Kompabox RTL
Connection to conventional heating systems with 70°C flow temperature check_circle check_circle
Connection to panel heating systems with max. 50°C flow temperature check_circle  
Return temperature limiter check_circle check_circle
Connection for bathroom radiator   check_circle
Flow shut-off check_circle check_circle
Bleed valve - removal of air from the heating system check_circle  
Thermostatic head with V-exact II for carrying out hydronic balancing check_circle  
Smarthome ready* check_circle  
Installation dimensions in mm (H×W×D) 190×240×60 150×230×60
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* For integration into Smarthome systems, the thermostat head of the Multibox 4K-RTL can be exchanged and replaced with a wireless radiator thermostat. The Smarthome thermostat head must fit a 30 × 1.5 mm connection thread or have an appropriate adapter. Integration into a Smarthome system offers additional control convenience, especially when operating several heating sets.