Installation Instructions for DIY Panel Heating
Step-by-step procedure for the installation of underfloor heating, wall heating or ceiling heating in drywall or plastering

Illustrated instructions: Installing underfloor heating - system kit with clip rails
The installation of the underfloor heating is simplified by the use of plug-in connections and RTL valves for individual room control, making FLEXIRO system kits equally suitable for DIY enthusiasts and professionals.

Illustrated instructions: Installation of underfloor heating - system kit with studded panels
The studded panels ensure flexible and clean installation of the multilayer composite pipe.

Illustrated instructions: Installation of underfloor heating - system kit with pre-milled dry screed panels
The installation is carried out using ready-made screed panels into which the PE-RT heating pipe is laid. Installation is quick and clean using drywall construction.

Illustrated instructions: Installation of ceiling heating - system kit with drywall elements
The installation is carried out using a suspended drywall ceiling into which the pipework has been incorporated at the factory. Finally, the heating surfaces are integrated into the existing heating system.

Illustrated instructions: Installation of ceiling heating - system kit with copper pipe
Heating elements with integrated copper pipe. Installation according to dry construction standards.
Installation of a ceiling heating with copper pipe

Illustrated instructions: Installation of ceiling heating - system kit with honeycomb elements for plastering methods
The PE-RT heating pipe is laid in honeycomb elements. Clay, lime or gypsum plaster can be used for plastering.

Illustrated instructions: Installation of wall heating - system kit with drywall elements
The installation is carried out using drywall elements for the wall, into which the heating pipes have already been integrated at the factory. Finally, the heating surfaces are added to the existing heating system.

Illustrated instructions: Installation of wall heating - system kit with copper pipe
Heating elements with integrated copper pipe. Installation according to dry construction standards.
How to install wall heating with copper pipe

Illustrated instructions: Installation of wall heating - system kit with honeycomb elements for plastering methods
The PE-RT heating pipe is laid in honeycomb elements. The wall surface can be plastered with clay, lime or gypsum plaster.