FLEXIRO Panel Heating Sets - Retrofit Heating Comfort
Retrofit underfloor heating. Solutions for existing heating systems
Ceiling heating. Simply feel good
Wall heating. Natural heating in old buildings
All Products. Connectors, compression fittings, insulation boards and more
To make it work! FLEXIRO fitting aids - heating installation without specialist knowledge
Underfloor heating installation
Ceiling heating installation
Wall heating installation
Watch how to install. The most important steps when retrofitting underfloor or ceiling heating.
FLEXIRO Planning Aids - Support for Your Project
Operating principle of panel heating
Planning aids
Support - Let us help you
Smart control system. Which RTL box is right for my project?
Product videos and 3D animation: Jona Fynn Schlegelmilch
Product photos and images not listed separately: Daniel Hofer bzw. Max Virgili
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